
Today it's been pouring almost all day. There's been a rumour that a typhoon would be hitting Phnom Penh this week-end. So maybe this is it. It's definitely the heaviest I've known but I expected whirlpools of water whizzing about and a bit more drama. Just as well though cos there's been loads of floods this rainy season and a massive storm would not have helped. Especially those living most precariously.

I'm out of town at the mo on a retreat that's part of a course I've been doing this year. Am here with 5 others and we're working on our final reflections and thoughts for the future. I'm full of cold and croaking like a frog so not at my best. Have to write an "Intentional Development Plan" (IDP) which is not exactly flowing. There's an option to present it in a more creative way though so am thinking more along those lines now. Possibly as a recipe and a Ready-Steady-Cook demo rather than a powerpoint presentation.

Anyway, the rain has stopped and the crickets are chirping. And I'm due another cup of tea and a burst of inspiration with the IDP. So best get on.......
