
Well, that was a bit different. Just been to a photo exhibition in a posh place called the Plantation in the middle of Phnom Penh. Very nice. Slightly worried that my friend and I might have to pay a whack of an entrance fee on the way in but it was all free...punch, wine and nibbles. And great photos.

Save me having to explain, here's the blurb....

Hope that was readable. Just been fiddling about cropping and trying to get it more focused. It's better than it was though so it'll have to do.

Anyway, on the way there I cycled past the Royal Palace, having negociated my way through various road-blocks, and there were people milling about everywhere. Thought it was a special night but apparently it's been like this every night since the King-Father's body returned. People are just waiting til they can get into the Palace and pay their respects. Looks like it'll go on for some time.

So a varied night out. Enjoyed being among the crowd and monk-spotting. And then catching up with my friend at the exhibition. Good to cycle home along the cool, uncrowded nine o'clock streets too. And to get home unfrazzled and unswimming in sweat.
