
Today it's the anniversary of the King's coronation. This is him on his big day back in 2004 when he was 51. As king, his title is: Preah Karuna Preah Bat Sâmdach Preah Bâromneath Norodom Sihamoni Nai Preah Reacheanachak Kampuchea which roughly translates as His Majesty, King Norodom Sihamoni of the Kingdom of Cambodia. Not something I've memorised just yet but thanks to wikipedia, it's easy enough to cut and paste...

So it's another holiday in the land. Not as big as Pchum Ben as shops, cafes and markets are still open. But all government offices are closed and most NGO workers seem to be enjoying an extended week-end too.

Tomorrow it's back to normal and then on Wednesday it's the King-Father's birthday so another day off. Obviously this year it will be more a day of rememberance than celebration. And then next year the holiday will change to Oct 15th to commemorate his death.

Just wondering how the King's feeling as I'm writing this - his first anniversary without his Dad around. Looking at photos of them together, they look as if they got on. And like in this one, his Dad seemed genuinely fond and proud of his son. So love him, am raising a cup of tea in honour of an 8 year reign and to his Dad and the memory of their friendship.
