A royal RIP

The King's dead! The King's father I mean - Norodom Sihanouk - who was king from 1941 til 2004. He died this morning in Beijing at 1am. He's been ill with cancer and diabetes so was there getting treatment. The latest is that he died of a heart attack. He was 89.

I was down at the Riverside this morning with friends when I heard. One of them had read it on the internet. I was shocked but it explained the half-mast flags I'd half-noticed on the way and the bleak atmosphere. The past few days have felt heavy anyway, what with Pchum Ben and the focus on dead ancestors. But today was a raw one and some people looked visibly upset.

A waiter we spoke to told us the funeral would probably be tomorrow. Already King Norodom Sihamoni (his son) has flown to Beijing to travel with the body when it's repatriated later today. So it's quite a time to be in the country. And I'm intrigued how things will pan out tomorrow. I've heard he'll be cremated and his ashes kept in a gold urn in the Royal Palace. But how people will respond will be the interesting thing. He's not been popular with everyone. Either he's been elevated as some sort of demi-god or regarded as a traitor to the country during the Khmer Rouge years.

So it'll be a telling day. Will keep you posted....
