
Here's one of the black lapel-type ribbons people are wearing this week to commemorate the King-Father's death. Tricky to see among the black-and-white spottiness but it's there, just above my left armpit...

Tried to take a photo of a shop-keeper wearing one just now but she wasn't having it. Always like to ask first. Not into people waving cameras in my face unexpectantly so tend to assume most people don't either. May well have been disrespecting her mourning space anyway. Not being sure of the protocol on public grief here, it's probably just as well.

So, the model's me. Sitting in a cafe having just bought the ribbon from a girl selling bracelets and scarves outside. Had a bit of a chat with her. She looked about 7 but she's 10 years old. I asked where she lives and she said she stays with an uncle. He sends her to work to pay for her school fees. Which may or may not be true. You see kids working all hours on the streets, selling books, bracelets, flowers, picking through the rubbish, collecting tin cans. Usually earning money for someone else. So school, I expect, is not the top priority.

Didn't take a photo on purpose. She's a vulnerable kid so prefer not to put her face on the internet. Just imagine a slight child with a ribbon on her T-shirt, an impressive command of English, dancing eyes and you get the picture.
