
Whilst I was away in the UK, two of my Khmer friends got married - Sreyrom and Sophal (also known as Abraham). I’ve known Sreyrom since I first came to Cambodia. She used to work in a craft studio just below a cafe (Cafe Eden) and we often used to sit and chat whilst making bookmarks, beads or whatever was in demand at the time. Abraham I’ve got to know through learning khmer....he was my language teacher last time I was here. And he seems to have done a good job. I can still remember the alphabet and random words like spoon (slapree-a), cow (psycho) and crazy (chkoowat-chkoowat). Always handy.

Anyway, tonight I caught up with them over spaghetti bolognaise. It’s one of Sreyrom’s favourites. I used to visit her last time with some already made and it always went down well. This time she asked me to show her how it’s done. So instead of making bookmarks and beads, we chopped onions and chatted. And put the world to rights over sizzling mince and boiling pasta.

Thankfully it turned out alright. Not a stray hair to be found and Abraham (on the left) and friends all seemed to like it.

Hopefully I’ll get a picture of Sreyrom next time. She wasn’t happy for me to take one tonight but asked instead that I use a wedding photo when I said it was for this blog. So here they are, sharing a happy moment on their wedding day in May:
