
It's no longer the rain that's streaming now, it's my nose. Where so much snot comes from, I know not, but there's been an unrelenting stream of it pretty much all day. So I've got through the retreat and taken to my bed now. A culmination of damp days, difficult sleep and various adjustments along the way methinks.

I would have liked to have felt more present at the retreat but it was good to go anyway. Good to get out of town and stay somewhere peaceful and full of green.

This cold has convinced me that this time really is about starting slow and not running ahead of myself. I've always had eyes bigger than my belly. Wanting to do stuff out of great enthusiasm and then jumping in and finding that my energy doesn't quite match up.

So in some ways this is a liberation. It's OK to plod and take time out to rest. It's OK to be gentle with myself and kind. It's OK not to have to prove anything. It's OK just to be.
