
News of the 6 boys still wrongfully detained (see "Pray" post)....

Update in brief: Boys are still in prison. The families are visiting as they can (the prison is out of town and there is a charge for each person visiting). The visits/contact has shown the boys have not been harmed but are obviously distressed at being placed there and suffering the conditions of prison in Cambodia.

It seems that the legal status of the boys is a pre-trial detention. I’m told it’s often 6 months before trials here. On Thursday all families came together to get legal advice from a very experienced and compassionate lawyer. They’ve also linked with an organisation working within the prison system. Now each family is deciding how to proceed. I’m very grateful to the organisation who linked the family’s to this lawyer… Cambodia’s legal system is very hard for those from an urban poor background to negotiate – actually it’s hard for anyone. Many lawyers have paid for their qualifications, so are not able to provide useful defense based on the law, human rights are often not respected and corruption is endemic.

The boys are all in school and have missed a week of school already. They are in year 10 -12. It is not possible for them to go to school when in prison in Cambodia. For some of these families these boys education level is now much higher than their parents. These families have worked hard to give their kids a good future, these interruptions to their schooling plus the large loans families have already taken for the previous court “fees” all jeopardize this.

So for your continued prayers:
For a miraculous change of heart from the authorities involved, that they may have compassion on the boys involved and administer justice.
For the boys continued protection.

Servants Cambodia Team


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