
Well, tis done. I managed to finish the Refocusing presentation in time and unleash it on Friday on some fellow Refocussers. It went OK, although I got slightly more carried away with the cookery demo than intended and ran out of time near the end. So a bit hectic and a bit rushed but OK and was encouraged by people's feedback and prayers afterwards.

Didn't get any photos which was a shame. Was too caught up with getting all the props ready to think about anything else. Just to say then, the idea of the cookery demo was to depict my life over the years. Different stages being cooked up in a huge pot....

The bright tissue paper of my late teens and 20s (adventures, excitement, hopes, dreams etc), the sand and grit of my 30s (stresses, griefs, disappointments), all the tears and joys that flowed through these times and the gunge I seemed to be left with in my late 30s.

Since then and coming to Cambodia, it's like I've been put on a steady flame and left to simmer as impurities have surfaced and big ideas and dreams have been slowly reduced to become more tangible and real.

And so the marmite! From a huge pot of gunge to a tiny pot of rich, life-giving stuff. A particular brew of good things (I hope!) to use wisely and intentionally and with other things too (eg: the peopley equivalent of bread, cheese, butter, scones, salad....). That's my prayer/hope for life to come anyway.

There's loads more I got from the course, aside from thoughts on marmite, and I feel bit bereft now that it's over! Have got to know some great people. And learnt loads from them too. Here they all are.......

And here's my small group who have been great to get to know and to laugh, cry, share, shout, rant, giggle, learn and pray with....
