
Today started off in the Space and then moved on to a village just outside Phnom Penh. Haven't been out of PP for over a month so was glad when Alta (my flat-mate) asked if I was up for a visit.

It's a village she goes to every week to help with a project, now run by her friend, Nari, which supports women in need such as those who are ill and need medical help, and those who are poor and need food such as widows, the elderly and lone parents.

When we arrived there were about thirty women sitting outside Nari's home and as we stepped out the car, they rushed over to greet Alta with great joy. And were quite happy to see me too. Which was nice.

Really enjoyed sitting among them and seeing Alta in full khmer flow as she and Nari led a discussion about the savings scheme that's been set up and whether it's working for the women or not. Good to see the women participating and having a voice. And to pick up some of the banter and at least at some level, join in.

So good to meet Nari's son, Darah, too who's a budding young artist. Was amazed at his skill at just 12 years old:

Will continue on the creative theme tomorrow with more news of the Space. And hopefully more news of the 6 boys falsely accused of assault and currently in prison (see "Pray").
