
Today is a story of semi-success. Thanks to the good people above (Pirek, Phannah and David), I got to see a toilet. In fact I got to see two toilets which was great:

As you'll notice, however, neither are like the one in the "Toilet twinning" post - the one I was supposed to find. This is because, as I found out yesterday in an email from the Toilet Twinning people, I need permission to visit as it's a private toilet in a family home and not a public one as I thought. So they'll be getting in touch with the Tearfund rep here and if the family agree, I can go and visit another time. So a very timely email! Glad it came when it did. Could've properly put my foot in it if I'd have stuck to my own plans.

So hey, this is proving a humbling and enlightening experience. And also a heartening one. The families I met today knew Phannah's grandparents so were fine with us coming to pay them a visit. And to whoop at their fine toilets, built a year or two ago by a similar project.

More pics from the village:

So there you have it. The toilet saga has come to an end, for the time being at least, and tomorrow I go back to Phnom Penh. It's been a funny old time here in Svay Rieng. Have seen no other Westerner since I've been here which is a first in all my visits across the land. So have felt very conspicuous but very welcomed and looked after too. Will leave with fond memories. And hopefully next time, will finally get to see the St Paul's loo.
