
Last week I set myself a challenge - to come up with a piece of artwork that would encourage some collective creativity during my birthday doo on Friday. After last year's reluctance to look this age-ing thing in the eye and do anything beyond working and a low-key lunch, this year I wanted to be a bit braver (thanks Louise for the inspiration) and intentionally celebrate life with a fine assortment of friends.

So on Sunday I started the ball rolling by taking some pictures in Toul Sleng - signs of life and hope in a very grim place (see October's "Among" post). I remember when I first went there in 2008 being rooted to the spot by the photos of the kids who were killed there. Many looked about the same age as I would have been back in '75-'79 (ie 4-8 years old) - the only difference between me and them was that I born in a different country and knew nothing of war.

Afterwards I went across the road to a craft workshop and sat with a girl making a silk bird who I think had had polio as her legs were all twisted beneath her. We sat for a while, smiling, and as I watched her skillfully stitching the tiny details, I was moved that here was something very delicate and beautiful being made opposite what was once such a violent and horrific place. Life flying in the face of death.

And it was from that point on that Cambodia began to get under my skin.

So, this piece of artwork and the birthday doo....... Well, I decided to have it at the Boddhi Tree cafe (see October's "Calm" post) which is directly opposite Toul Sleng and metres away from the craft workshop. And what I made was a tree of coathangers, unravelled and then twisted into branches like DNA strands.......

......a multicoloured Tree of Life that people could peg some of the photos to or pictures/poems/thoughts of their own which expressed and celebrated life.

And it was good. Good to be among friends who got into the spirit of things and made their mark. And good to be reminded that life is a gift. And to have made it this far is a huge gift. Thanks one and all for a memorable night. xx

Some of the fine folk who came along.............

Pam and Louise

Esther, me and David......

......who made a pavlova........

........which went down very well :-)

Hari, Santi, Sami and friend

Debbie, Sherry, Deborah and Sheila

Marjorie, me and Amanda

Three Bells from the Isle of Wight with Esther, David and Emma
