Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from Phnom Penh

At the moment my kitchen looks like a manic version of the Great British Bake Off, again, so am taking refuge on t'internet whilst things are cooking. Off to a doo tonight and a few things over the next two days so want to write at least something before getting swept along in the festive flow.

It's been a good week-end. Coffee and cake with friends, a kiddies cookie fest that became a crafty cutting-and-sticking giggle-session instead, a 15km bike ride on new bike, a flat tyre, a fixed tyre, an emotional moment singing a high-pitched American version of "Angels from the Realms of Glory" and longing for raucaus belly-singing in a British pub, a redeeming/poignant moment listening to "Silent Night" sung in German whilst sitting next to a homesick German lady, a stirring up-the-revolution-type Christmas message that blew all things gentle-Jesus-meek-and-mild out the water and a meal out with these fine people.....

Had threatened to call this photo "A night out with the old gits" but figured that was slightly unfair seeing as I'm soon catching up on old gittishness and my words may well come to haunt me. So instead, here's a photo of good friends, Michael and Elizabeth, who live in Melbourne when Elizabeth's not here doing research for her PhD and Michael's not visiting her. They're part of the World Horizons global collective and have lived and worked in Cambodia for 16 years before their current Ozzie days.

Anyway, I smell cake so will go down and investigate. May possibly blog a part 2 if the results are worthy of uploading.

Shalom-a-lom-a-ding-dong xx


  1. Hope you have a lovely Christmas and enjoy those cakes! xx

  2. Thanks! Have had a lovely time and the cakes have been suitably spread around and scoffed. Happy Boxing day my friend :-)


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