Blu-tack and cake

This is Theary. Who popped in to the Space just as I was packing up and was happy to help. She's been to the cafe a couple of times to drop off leaflets for the internet company she works for. Today was her day off so this time she came specifically to see the AdventSpace. Unfortunately all she saw was the last remnants of brown paper and blu-tack blobs. Which was a shame as she seemed genuinely interested.

Still, we had a very random chat in her basic English and my even-more-basic Khmer. And she wants to come back next year to hang out when she's free and learn some English. So that was an encouraging end to a funny old week.

Am off now til the new year. Cafe Eden closes tomorrow for 10 days, though I won't be back til the 7th. Khim, the manager, gets married on the 5th and the Space is being used to house the many dresses, fruit baskets and general paraphenalia involved in Khmer weddings.

Soooooooo, tis almost-Christmas!!! And I've just iced a couple of cakes, ready for next week. Made them last night and been giving them a proper good rum-soaking since. So hopefully they'll bring a smile to some faces in the coming days.
