
I would have blogged some more about the humour workshop last night but my computer lead, which has been dodgy for a while, finally lost the will to connect. And my battery konked out soon after. So twas not to be. Today, however, thanks to a local computer shop and a replacement lead, all is well and things are back up and running. Hallelu.

So, to the workshop. Well, we made sure people got a proper good soaking in all things humour.......

Or we would have, had we been in India on April Fools Day with a few friends and buckets to hand and slightly more attendees than attended. Instead what happened was a gentle sprinkling of humour-full wisdom with a select few from Japan, Scotland, Australia and America (NGO and mission workers and a health consultant).

So much I could write about yet so little time. So I'll finish with some practical pointers to explore more if any of them appeal...

The seven humour habits:
The First Humor Habit: Immerse Yourself in Humor & Start Thinking about the Nature of Your Sense of Humor
The Second Humor Habit: Cultivate a Playful Attitude
The Third Humor Habit: Laugh More Often and More Heartily
The Fourth Humor Habit: Create Your Own Verbal Humor
The Fifth Humor Habit: Look for Humor in Everyday Life
The Sixth Humor Habit: Take Yourself Lightly—Laugh at Yourself
The Seventh Humor Habit: Find Humor in the Midst of Stress

(from a series of radio broadcasts, 7 Humor Habits Humor Training Program, by Dr. Paul McGhee, (2012). Have a look on www.laughterremedy.com to find out more. )
