
Well, the still space of the Stable under the Inn (caff) hasn't quite caught on. Being the week before Christmas, most people are in a hurry, going to the caff for a meeting or a Christmas doo so not quite in the right headspace to stop and be for a while. Hey ho.

I should have learnt from a Christmas fair last year where I did a similar thing with a friend. We'd spent hours creating installations depicting the Christmas story and on the day, offered them as alternative spaces to the rush and wear of the fair. But people had gone there to shop and mingle so the lure of simplicity and calm was pretty much lureless. La de dum.

Yesterday I wrote (and then deleted) that I was peeved with the lack of response, both then and now (looked like a v peevish comment once I'd typed it). Today am not so bothered. Mainly because of the moments of unexpected connection not written into the script of how I thought things would be.

At the fair it was doing maths problems with a 12 year old mathematical genius and talking with his Mum after. And today it's been making stars and singing Khmer gospel songs with Mom the Faithful and some of the girls working in the caff. Really enjoyed it. And left an hour later than planned.

So it's all good. And it's all an experiment anyway. Looking forward to tomorrow now.
And seeing what it may bring.
