
Life feels slow at the mo. No particular reason. It was fairly slow in Svay Rieng last week but now it feels slower.

It's not a bad slow though. Realise I quite like slowness. Slow means I can be in the Space and not feel bored. And I can be with others there and not feel restless.

Am reminded of a time a few years ago when I was on the Isle of Wight, freshly back from gallavanting the world and adjusting to a different pace. I'd seen a lot and done a lot and still felt a bit spinny.

What brought me down to earth in the end was a walk through a field with my 2 year old nephew, Felix...

Whilst merrily toddling along together, he suddenly stopped, sat down in the grass, and started pointing:

"Look, look!"

He was pointing at the grass.

"What? What?"





A smile spread across his face and he pointed at a blade of grass.


So I looked. At a blade of grass. Thinking there might be more to it. But no, looking closer, it was, indeed, a single blade of grass.

And as we looked at it together, life slowed right down. Beauty was presenting itself in a blade of grass and all the wonders I'd seen in my travels suddenly seemed very small.

After a reverent while, Felix smiled again, got up and toddled away. So I smiled too. And taking a final look, rose slowly and followed in his wise wake.
