
Nick Vujicic is a bloke from Sydney who was born without limbs. When he was ten he tried to kill himself by drowning in a bath. Thankfully it didn't work and he made it to the age of fifteen when he had an epiphany. Instead of focusing on the things he lacked, he decided from that point on to focus on the things he had. And ever since, his life has been an inspiration.

This morning I heard him speak at a motivational seminar in the biggest theatre in Phnom Penh. The place was packed, mainly with young Cambodians and pastors from the various churches in the city.

Having seen a few clips about Nick on Youtube, I was all prepared to have a good blub whilst he was speaking. But it wasn't like that at all. There was no reason to. Nothing of what he said was sentimental or sad or even particularly poignant. It was just very very strong. And grounded. And substantial.

There's not a trace of the victim about him. And he spoke with force about things like hope. And grace. And love. And forgiveness. And healing. And miracles. And the church being family. And looking out for each other.

Didn't come home all swollen hearted and stricken at all. More invigorated and wise to the traps in my own thinking that seek to ridicule and reduce me because of what I haven't got rather than celebrate unashamedly the things I have. So thanks Nick, for opening up a huge window in my head. And helping me appreciate and gasp at the view.
