
Yesterday and today....not great days. After the fun of last week, the last 24 hours have been a jolt to the system.

Last night I heard the very sad news that four members of a Korean family, on their way to live in Siem Reap, died in a car crash. And the two surviving children are in a critical condition.

Then when I got home I found out on Facebook that I'd met the wife before and her husband, briefly. She was a very good friend of a friend here, Louise. And I remember the couple of times I met her, just laughing with her and Lou as they struggled to communicate.

That was when Lou was teaching her English. Which she needed to go on to learn Khmer. Not surprising then, two and half years after that diligent process, she was excited to be heading off to Siem Reap to begin a whole new chapter of life and ministry there. And put her new language skills into action.

Here's a photo Lou's just posted on Facebook. Please pray for the oldest and youngest girls, Esther and Da Jung, The little one has regained consciousness and Esther, though still in a coma, has responded to voices. Thanks.

So the whole thing's just gutting. I hardly knew her but have been in bits about it today.

A stark contrast to other bits of good news I read on Facebook yesterday....reminisences of my brother and sister-in-law's wild and wacky wedding, 14 years on. Photos of a friend on her wedding day last week. Things of life to want to celebrate and share the joy with.

Tired now. A very condensed time of "rejoicing with those who rejoice and mourning with those who mourn."


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