
Now that I've been in Cambodia for a while now (2 years, 8 months to be precise), I realise I'm not trying to be like a Findus Ready-meal anymore. Woooooo.

Looking back, I think I went in to survival-mode when I first came. The things I thought would happen didn't and even though other opportunities came up instead, life still felt pretty precarious.

So I went a bit shrink-wrapped and caught in the thought of needing to keep-it-together. And be a complete package.

But now, deep joy, I realise I'm not meant to be the complete anything. I'm just one of many. A unique ingredient in the great soup of things here. And it's come as quite a relief.

So am enjoying flowing with others now and bubbling over with collective ideas and plans.

Chuffed that the Bangladesh trip (11th-16th June) is now a team effort with two others coming along (Sophorn's wife, Nary, and Message Parlour Wend). And excited to be part of the beginnings of community down at the ArtSpace/Message Parlour.

Plus there's changes with the World Horizons Cambodia team I'm part of, which as of today, has a new leader - Jonny Hamill. Big thanks to those who've gone before him. And grace and peace to him as he leads and we all walk together into this new season.

So yep, a very different life here now from how it began.

Feeling thankful and glad to still be here.
