Generation Bangladesh

Spent this morning with staff from Generation Bangladesh who are hosting the training day tomorrow.

This is Shuken who started the organisation about 10 years ago with his wife, Pushbar:

Lovely bloke. Full of smiles and stories and inspiring faith. In 1997 God called him and Pushbar to start a work for children in Bangladesh - to teach them about Jesus and equip churches to look after them in the faith. At that time they had very good jobs but they gave them up and lived under the stairs of an appartment block for a year before somehow raising 3000 quid (the equivalent of 10 years wages) to travel and get some training and then return with the support of a church behind them. Since then they have grown from just the 2 of them in 2002, to 6 staff a year later, to over 70 staff now.

So good to be among a group of people who are more like family than an organisation. The 20+ staff we met today gather every morning to pray and worship and you could tell what a difference it makes. There was such a sense of togetherness and respect and genuine love for one another, it blew me away. Felt like a gathering of the early church.

Didn't get a pic of the staff altogether but here's some of them about to start work......

Really pleased we've had a chance to chat and connect today. Feels like a good rapport. Looking forward to tomorrow now.
