
Have had a few chats about politics recently and the up and coming election at the end of July. And each time the conversation's got more heated, I've floundered cos I don't know as much as really I should do by now.

So, first stop, a quick look at Wikipedia to get the general jist of things......

The last election was in 2008 and the Cambodia People's Party secured 90 out of 128 seats. Not sure why they did this, but in spite of winning an absolute majority, they formed a coalition with the royalist party, FUNCINPEC, who only got 2 seats. Strange seeing as the oppositon parties - Sam Rainsy Party and the Human Rights Party - got 29 seats between them. Summat going on there, then, which I'll find out some other time.

Here's the current PM, Hun Sen....

...who I saw once completely by accident when I first came here and didn't know who he was. It was about 7 in the morning and I was staying at a guest house next to a posh house where there was a wedding going on. Just remember a lot of kerfuffle and excitable voices so I went to the gate to have a look and there he was, just outside, with his glam wife:

Both smiled at me importantly and then were away in the procession carrying fruit in to the house. Only twigged later when I saw a photo of them in a shop.

Anyway, I digress...the general election. Coming up on the 28th July. Won't be here to witness it (in the UK all of July and Aug) but will write little snippets in the run up. For my own education as much as anything else...
