
Read this in the airport at Bangkok.....

"Dhaka is more than just a city; it’s a giant whirlpool that sucks in anything and anyone that comes within its furious grasp. Around and around it sends them, like some wildly spinning fairground ride bursting with energy. Millions of individual pursuits constantly churn together into a frenzy of collective activity – an urban melting pot forever bubbling over..."
Bangladesh, Lonely Planet, Dec 2012 was expecting a riot of life when we spilled out the airport at Dhaka this afternoon. But so far, all has been calm.

We were met by Benjamin and Lazarus from Generation Bangladesh, whisked away in a mini-bus to the hotel and since then, I've had a sleep, a bath!!, a cup of tea and taken some photos......

Off out now for food and possibly a taste of frenziness. We shall see.......
