
At the start of this year I was taken by surprise by two sudden thoughts. Or God-whispers as I like to call them. At the time I was in a hut in Mondulkiri, poring through journals and bits of writing I'd collected over the past year, nobly ruminating over the past year and thinking deep thoughts about the coming one. And then, the first came......

"Stop trying so hard"

and just after.....

"Join in"

And that was that. The rampant reflecting withered. And instead a wriggle of excitement rose. I put down my books and went out for a run. And playfully prayed into what looks likely to be a full and flowy year.

Since then, funnily enough, life's been a lot more flow than ebb and a lot busier too.

Before now I was struggling to write because I wasn't doing much. Now I'm struggling to write because I'm doing loads. Hence leaving this blog for another whole week. Hey ho.

Hoping to be more on it this week with news of trying less hard and joining in.


  1. The little wooden hut looks great
    Being rather than doing all the time is good


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