The Missing Picture

This is exciting. And a fitting way to celebrate this....

A Cambodian film has been nominated for an Oscar!!!! The first time ever in Academy Awards history....

Foreign Language Film

Few images exist of the brutality unleashed on Cambodia by Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge following the Kampuchean Revolution in 1975. Using clay figures to stand in for himself, his family and the many Cambodians whose lives were destroyed during the years that followed, Rithy Panh recreates a dark and bloody period in his country's history.

Spoke to a DVD stall holder at the Russian Market about it earlier. "This is very good for our country," he said.

Twas good to see the pride in his eyes. So glad the story is getting out there. Especially as next year it will be 40 years since the regime kicked off. Seems like a timely moment in Cambodia's history too. And in the healing process which this film is very much part of.
