Quarterly targets

Just been Skyping with the Communications man at Love146 who's asked me to send him some of my best photos as examples for future work. So have gathered some together and found it a very useful exercise. Will add some at the end of this post.

Before that though, just to say a bit about what I'm doing now....

I'm now the Creative Facilitator for Love146 in Cambodia. Which is a wonderfully broad role, embracing things like writing blog posts for the US website telling the stories of Love146 projects here, making films of the work being done, facilitating creative retreat days like the Mud and Stars one in December, running the Good Touch Bad Touch puppets flipchart training days still and hopefully collaborating with other creative folk here with ArtSpace and similar things.

So it's a colourful role which comes with quarterly targets - a new but probably not a bad thing for me at the mo. Yep, a shock to the system after a long time of living fairly map-lessly. But a good shock. And an energising one. Feel like I've hit this year running and so far, it's great!

So to the photos.... here's some I particularly like. Each with a good memory attached too:

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Mekong Splash

River relax, Koh Kong

Riverside fishing, Phnom Penh

Wedding boys, Phnom Penh

Mekong stroll

Catholic church, Bokor Mountain near Kampot

Mondulkiri sky

Rickshaw man, Kathmandu, Nepal

Posh hotel ceiling, Koh Kong
