
Good things come in threes apparently. And today the number 3 is quite apt. Worked out I've been in Cambodia three years, three months and three weeks altogether. Possibly a fairly anal thing to do but an interesting thought nonetheless. Especially when I think how different each of those times of three have been.

To name them I'd say it's been 3 years of wrestling, 3 months of resting and 3 weeks of returning.

The wrestling? With God. With my faith. With being here. With myself. With getting older. With other people. With the language. With the noise. With hopes deferred.

The resting... a welcome stop between leaving one team (World Horizons) and joining another (Love146). The liminal space to take stock and process. To draw breath and recover. To sink into what feels like a gentler skin. And learn to live lighter.

And the that place where I first got smitten. That stomach-whizz of finding a Saviour. The joy and freedom of forgiveness. The peace of letting go. The desire to "take God's beauty to the people". The excitement of hearing His voice. The wonder of whatever's next.

Am marvelling at the detail of all this. If I'd have known it would have been so stressful/painful/unravelling when I first came here, obviously, somewhere else would have been a far better option. But I'm glad I've stayed. Glad of the whacks my faith has taken. And things that have weaved through it and remained true. Glad to be taking flight again. Knowing that there's more substance within now. And a wilder freedom without.

And yes! I'll come down-to-earth soon and write about stuff I'm actually doing at the mo. An exciting time!
