
Good news!!!! The 6 boys in prison since November last year have been released :-)
If you've been following the story, please keep thinking of and praying for them. As Chami writes....

Dear everyone,

This is to share that the boys are home!!! It was 2 long days of agony, waiting for their release, and after yet again another bribery… they came home. I have only seen David, and he definitely seemed to still be in shock. But it was lovely to see lots of friends visiting him yesterday (see the pic attached, David is the furthest left). The pastor's family wishes to thank you for your prayers and journeying with them.
Please continue to pray for:

-emotional healing for the boys: we are looking at and recommending counselling options.
-good transition back into normal life.
-that they'd be able to focus on their studying rather than being taken over by other interests (this was a strong prayer request from the family).
-for other youths in the neighbourhood: that this would be an opportunity to come alongside but also learn more about laws and rights they have to protect themselves.
-for the families to know how to best support the boys and their needs out of this traumatic experience.

The journey continues on, even after "normality" has been achieved. That's what life is about, that's what Jesus calls us to…

Thanks for your prayers.

