
I heard today that the top two hazards to watch out for in Phnom Penh are theft and car/moto/bike accidents. In my last post I described my experience of the latter. But it was a actually a double whammy. I was robbed too. Which was what knocked me off my bike. Two guys on a moto whizzing past and making a successful grab for my shoulder bag.

A friend in the UK who'd heard the full story advised me to mention it. So people reading this have a better idea of the hazards of living here.

So there it is. And I'm grateful for her concern. And the kindness and support of many others who've been great this past week.

Just so you know, my scrapes are healing up nicely. The one on my side much quicker than expected due to the expertise of a v forthright and sweary doctor (the glorious Dr Gloria). And the inner stuff is good too.

When it happened I clicked into a very practical mode. Realised I was on the floor. Stood up. Listed the things in my bag that I'd lost. And got on my bike and carried on.

When I got to where I was going (a breakfast club at the Message Parlour) my friend and colleague from Love146, Priscilla, took over the practical stuff. Made phone calls. Sorted out a tuk tuk. Got me and the bike home. Dressed my wounds.

Have been saying to people since that at times like this you get to see the best and the worst of people. And I'm thankful to have seen pretty much the best.

So thanks one and all who've been praying and sending me messages. It's been really appreciated and helped quicken the bouncing back brilliantly. xxx
