Beauty bombs

Heard this story over the weekend and thought it was a good one. From a podcast about a play called "The Duchess of Malfi". The plot goes something like this....

The Duchess marries beneath her for love. Her brothers are incestuously jealous and try to ruin the relationship. They grow increasingly vile until finally they kill her. Booomf.

(Here's hoping you weren't thinking of going to see the play. Which, according to the Arts Show on Radio 2, is on at the new Globe Theatre in London. Just so you know...)

The Duchess's response is not to get angry or defensive or bitter or revengeful. Instead she decides just to be more beautiful. Ta daaaa.

So, intentionally, she dresses exquisitely, behaves beautifully and carries herself with poise. Defiantly daring them to live a better way. And prolonging her inevitable death.

Like that. Coming back at the crap life throws at us with beauty. A tough call and not the most instinctive way to go. But brilliant all the same.

Praying now for the courage to unleash some of these when the inevitable crappy moments come.....

....and to trust for transformation when the smoke begins to blow.
