
[ni-fair-ee-uhs] adjective
extremely wicked or villainous; iniquitous: a nefarious plot.

Watched this over the week-end. A film about human trafficking, prostitution and modern-day slavery. Still getting my head round it. Most poignant image so far - the blood-stained spotty pyjama bottoms of an 8 year old girl. And most memorable - the reporters bollocking a paedophile in Phnom Penh.

Was tired when I watched it and fell asleep afterwards. But now it's beginning to wake me up.

Definitely worth watching.

A film like smoky bacon crisps. Leaves you burping up the taste for a long time later.

“Modern slavery.” It sounds like a paradox. Hasn’t humanity progressed? Didn’t social reformers like Lincoln and Wilberforce legislate against such cruelty over a hundred years ago? So we had thought. But, with over 27 million enslaved people in the world, human trafficking is once again the battlefront of the century.

Regardless of nationality, victims are systematically stripped of their identity, battered into gruesome submission, and made to perform humiliating sexual acts on up to 40 strangers every night. Most are held in dingy apartments and brothels, forced to take heavy doses of illegal drugs, and monitored very closely. Victims are often thrown into such ghastly oppression at 13 years old. Some are abducted outright, while others are lured out of poverty, romantically seduced, or sold by their families.

Nefarious, Merchant of Souls, is a hard-hitting documentary that exposes the disturbing trends in modern sex slavery. From the very first scene, Nefarious ushers you into the nightmare of sex slavery that hundreds of thousands experience daily. You’ll see where slaves are sold (often in developed, affluent countries), where they work, and where they are confined. You’ll hear first-hand interviews with real victims and traffickers, along with expert analysis from international humanitarian leaders.

From initial recruitment to victim liberation—and everything in between—the previously veiled underworld of sex slavery is uncovered in the groundbreaking, tell-all Nefarious, Merchant of Souls.


  1. The most depressing thing is that Ian, I and others were speaking out against this 17 years ago, and only now is the church starting to take real notice and putting some effort into defeating for politicians and police globally.....inspite of laws to deal with so much of it, there isn't YET (please God) the will............

  2. Hey my forerunner friend. Ahead of your time, as ever. Thanks for having the courage to speak up back then. And preparing the way for what's only just beginning to kick off now. I think you can take heart from Wilberforce who must have been doing his nut by the non-response but never changed the record. Thanks for still speaking up about the things you do!
    We need to hear it even if it takes a while to cotton on. xx


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