
This may sound silly, but I'm loving being chilly.

Mondulkiri is at least 10 degrees cooler than Phnom Penh. And a lot breezier too.

Yesterday it rained. Most of the day. And it was great! I was up on a hill overlooking the place where I'm staying when I saw the gathering storm:

Soon I was legging it back to base, narrowly escaping a drenching.

This photo is the best of the batch but it hardly does it justice. Twas the biggest BOOMING torrential storm I've ever known.

And then I woke up today and it was a completely different story:

Until this evening. When it rained. And rained. And rained.

And then the power went in the restaurant where I was about to write this. And a swarm of weird wasp-like winged things descended on my computer. Horrible!!

All is well now though. Power is restored, the winged things have flown, the rain has ebbed and flowed away and I am soon to my bed. And it's still blissfully chilly.

Love this place.
