Elizabeth and Sarom

Here's the Siem Reap Three on the way back from town: me, Elizabeth and her foster daughter, Sarom.

And here we are again with Sarom looking a bit more cheery....

I've known Elizabeth for a couple of years. She used to live in Phnom Penh and moved up to Siem Reap when I was back in the UK over the summer. So it's been a while since we've caught up.

She's a designer and teacher and at the mo is training some teachers in a local school. Plus running or being part of groups to do with training/discipling young women. One of which is called WOW which I love the sound of. Women of Worth. Who are soon to put on a craft fair which Elizabeth is helping with.

So it was good to hear about all that and muse about life in general too. Didn't go carol singing on Friday in the end as it was on Saturday night instead and I'd gone back to Phnom Penh by then. Hey ho. Had a good night down Pub Street anyway though and continued to soak up the Christmas cheer...
