
Back in the day in Essex, in the Smith abode in Coombe Road, the thing to do this time of year was to ask each other: "Are you feeling Chrimbly yet?"

Have been making my Christmas tree tonight and it's dawning on me..... I'm feeling Chrimbly!

It's been coming on since last week. When I saw this happy chap outside a caff...

...and then this Nepalese family on Saturday at a Christmas fare I was crafting at...

Not been aware quite how Chrimbly I am until about an hour ago. When an old hat-stand, some stretched out coat-hangers and drapes of fake foilage became a tree......

..... and a band of angels (or rather, the three backing singers) ascended from last year's dusty Tescos bag...

Looking forward to more Chrimbliness to come. My fifth Christmas in Cambodia!!
