
For the first time ever since I've been in Cambodia I've been wearing cardies and jumpers, indoors and out. Which no doubt sounds v galling to those in a v chilly UK just now, but in Cambodia, as a friend from Aberdeen said this morning: "It's freeeeezing!!"

With the chilly weather I've managed to catch a cold. And on Friday it collided with a stomach explosion of grand proportions. So Friday evening was a no go. And the looked-forward-to caroling down at the Message Parlour was not to be :-(

Thankfully today proved less snotty and sickly and I was up and about, ushering at the international churches joint Christmas service. Which would have looked like this had I been sitting near the front and had it been last year when this photo was taken:

This year's wasn't too dissimilar. Though I had a v different experience at the back. Five or so of us ushers, running around with plastic chairs trying to get enough seats for people whilst smiling and giving out leaflets as they kept turning up.

And then the cue-less moment when I was meant to go up and do a reading. Only going when said friend from Aberdeen hissed, "It's yooooooooou!" into the pregnant pause which had reached its third trimester. Thankfully it went OK but pelvic floor muscles were definitely tested on the long walk of doom to the front.

Tonight I've just got in from a happy evening with friends, sharing stories and our three best things from the year. And lighting the penultimate Advent candle, ready for things to come next week....
