
Been having thoughts about what to write today but just read this on Facebook and it's blown them all away. So please read and pray. It's written by Alli Mellon from the Hard Places Community here in Phnom Penh who work among and on behalf of exploited and at risk children and strive to bring an end to the sexual exploitation of children through prevention, intervention, and restoration:*

"Very Hard Day. For more than three years we worked to get N to a safe place after finding out she was sold by her father for sex multiple times, then gang-raped by teenage gangsters. When we met her, she was six. Now she is nine.

After she disclosed her abuse to us long ago, her father refused to stop what he was doing to N, and the government here has laws that would not allow us to take her from her family. So we fought, loved and counseled N, and waited.

Twelve weeks ago, her drug-lord father abandoned the family, and we were finally able to get help for N. We rejoiced and celebrated as she was moved to a safe location.

Now, the father is back in the picture and demanding that N be returned home. We've been fighting the system for weeks, but the sad reality is that we live in a country where the government cannot protect their own children from being sold for sex by their parents.

Today, we were forced to sign papers allowing N to return home to her family. We are grieved beyond words, and not sure that we will be allowed to continue working with N on an out-patient basis once she is back on the streets. She is a scrappy little nine-year-old, though, and has always found a way to see us.

We may have lost the physical battle, but we still war in the Spirit with the mightiest Warrior of all! Please join us in prayer for N's safety and restoration. If you believe the work the Hard Places Community is doing is not in vain, please spread the word and ask others to fight alongside us!"


* www.facebook.com/pages/The-Hard-Places-Community/277753568904315?hc_location=stream

And for more info go to: www.hardplaces-community.org
