
Just want to squeeze in a couple of posts before this non-prolific month is out. The first one, photos of green....

A couple of weekends ago I went up to the wilds of Mondulkiri and on the way back, gazing out the mini-bus window, I was struck by all the shades of green outside. Was in a fairly sensitive state as suddenly got teary looking out at all the greeness - a moment of unexpected wonder. But it all went by too fast and the moment was soon lost to intermittent grey stone walls and spaces of golden-brown shrubbery.

It was a gift, then, when last weekend I found myself in Koh Kong- a province near the Thai border - with folks from Love146 on their annual staff retreat. And pretty much everywhere was green upon green upon green.

With time to stop and stare this time, my eyes and camera feasted well....
