Freedom town

Another fermenting blog post blasted out the way by news just read on Facebook.......

Hull has been awarded City of Culture 2017. Wooooooooooooooooooooo.

So excited. Lived there for 9 years and learnt to love it with great fondness and delight.

Felt like a place of exile when I first landed. A place to be for a while until living the dream overseas somewhere. But it didn't quite go like that. Even though I tried to leave at least three times as I recall.

In the end the freedom came in the surrendering of the agenda. And in giving in to being there, in the present moment.

And soon it began to do its work in me and become a gift. And a training ground. And a place of community and life.

And now, four years on, I still miss it. But am grateful for the life lessons it taught. And the big-hearted people it brought my way.

So glad it's won the bid.

Loving the film that helped make it happen........
