
Well, after a month and a bit of guesthousing and staying with a friend, I've moved at last :-) Very grateful for said friend who's also been storing my stuff whilst I've been back in the UK (and the overflow before then too). So, v glad to have relieved her of various boxes and bits and SO glad to have unpacked them now and see it all in situ in my new flat.

Here's the view from my balcony:

Really, really chuffed to be here!!! It's been an unsettling few weeks and I haven't felt fully landed til now.

So glad to get some help from two Cambodian lads, Pisey and Sovan, on the moving day. Friends of a friend. They were amazing. The day before I'd gone into meltdown at the thought of it. The heat, the traffic, shifting stuff up and down loads of stairs... But they turned up in a tuk tuk and did it all. Angels, the pair of them.

So am now installed in a place that's more than I prayed or asked for. Keep wandering around in a state of gleefulness. Looking forward to getting art stuff out, cooking and having friends over to celebrate. Lovely Cambodian families living above and below me too who have been v welcoming.

So all in all, a happy few days.
