
Am poised to write this feeling suitably blokey having just scoffed a meat pie for tea and baked what hopefully will be a rather good banana cake (just to prove I'm not afraid to show my feminine side......)

Because this post is about real good blokes.

Here's one of them:

His name's Deth (pronounced "Debt") and many moons I went to his wedding. So nope, not a candidate for the Smiffy heart, just to make that clear.

And neither is this bloke who you can just about see on the left. Another real good bloke. Called Mark, from Lancashire, married to the lovely Jen (who's neither the woman in pink nor the one in glasses but would have been teaching in a local expat school when this photo was taken):

Anyway, Deth and Mark are currently starting something real good. A project that gets blokes talking and supporting each other in being real good blokes. Or Good Real Men to give it its proper title. Prefer my version but the proper one translates better. Hey ho.

Anyway, yesterday I heard about the project proper, having just shared about the Good Touch Bad Touch Puppets Flipchart Project to a visiting group at the Love146 office. I knew a bit about it but not much. So it was good to get the full low-down and a greater appreciation of the challenges of being a bloke and a Christian in a country where only 20-40 per cent of church congregations are men.

So not too dissimilar to the situation in Britain I guess.

Anyway, lots more I could say about this so will continue next time. Can smell banana cake so better go down and investigate.......
